Weblog Entries:

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Latest In Annoyed Worker Ranting

:: Chokeslammed; The Phoenix Has Risen :: 12:25:00 AM

Entertain the Brutes

Wednesday Morning Edition

Let's ignore the fact that I'm over 9 months pastdue for my promotion, and I was basically told this morning I can't get it.

Now it gets better.

My coworkers are driving me nuts. They both hold the stereotypical condecending "I'm a black woman" attitude (one worse than the other). You can't tell them they did wrong, cause then you're in the wrong.

Tried that recently (this morning, hence the post) with the more decent one. I had to go over mistakes with her. I had to point out what was wrong, and try to work out why. Instead the focus was turned to the wording of an email, where I attempted to stress how I knew how capable she was, so I didn't feel that there was the need to review her work each night as I had been asked to by our supervisors.

It ended with a typical headshaking and "well you can do it yourself then you don't have to check it over", which totally bypasses the point of "you fucked up try not to do it again".

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